The CWL will be hosting a Valentine’s Bake Sale after Mass on Sunday, February 9th. Baking can be dropped off before Masses on Saturday, February 8th and Sunday, February 9th. Many thanks.
We look forward to seeing you.
Read Bishop Dowd's Pastoral Letter "Entering into Hope" in preparation of the Jubilee Year of Hope beginning December 24. In his letter, Bishop Dowd encourages all people of good will to rediscover the full meaning of salvation, turning our current crisis of hope into renewing our desire to find joy and meaning in life. This Pastoral Letter can be used as a prayerful help during the Season of Advent. Read the Pastoral Letter, complete with Reflection Questions & Group Discussion Starters
November is CWL Membership month. If you are interested in becoming a new member, or renewing your CWL membership, this can be done before and after each weekend Mass in November, in the narthex (back entrance of the church). The cost of a membership is $35. You can also register at the CWL information table at our Christmas Bazaar on Sunday, November 3rd, after Mass.
Saturday, November 16th and Sunday, November 17th is CWL Weekend. Members are encouraged to wear their scarves and pins to Mass to promote the CWL within our parish community.
The St. Patrick’s CWL is hosting a Christmas Bazaar on Sunday November 3rd, following Sunday Mass, until 1pm. There is no entrance fee.
The event will feature a Bake Table, Craft Table, Christmas table (only table top items-decor and ornaments), a Book Table, and a Children’s Table (with a craft to make and take).
Items for the bazaar tables will be collected on Saturday, November 2nd from 2 pm until just before Mass, and before Mass on Sunday. Please come and support our bazaar. Bring family and friends.
The St. Patrick’s Parish 2024 Giving Tree Christmas Campaign Program is a significant way for us to bringing comfort and hope to sisters and brothers who need, by Christ’s example. Registrations must be received by November 22nd, 2024
Please come to our CWL General Gathering, to take place this Sunday, October 6th, following the 10:00 Mass. It is one week earlier to accommodate Thanksgiving family gatherings.
Join in a presentation about the Holy Rosary. Come and hear about our ideas for the Christmas bazaar in early November, as discussed last month.
Bring a friend.
Our Social Justice Committee along with the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food
Drive on the weekends of October 5th & 6th and 12th & 13th at the 4:30p.m. Mass and the 10:00 a.m. Mass. All non-perishable food items will be donated to the Inner City Home. We thank you for your generous donation.
Registration has begun for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist. Children age 7 and up are invited to register for these two important Sacraments. Registration may be submitted online. The Introduction Night is Thursday October 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the church. There is a $20 fee for book and materials for each of the Sacraments. Children need to be baptized and their baptism certificate needs to be provided. If a child desires to receive these sacraments but is not baptized, please contact Fr. Pat. Please print off a copy of the Parent Letter and Program Dates when you submit the online form. The registration deadline is Friday October 18th, 2024.
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, you are invited to a fall webinar series titled, “A Great Symphony of Prayer”. Dr. Josephine Lombardi (St. Augustine's Seminary) will present the webinars.
Fall Series on Prayer:
Thursday, October 3 (1:00 – 2:30 pm): Praying with Mary/The Rosary
Thursday, October 10 (1:00 – 2:30 pm): Praying with the Saints/St. Teresa of Avila
Thursday, October 17 (1:00 – 2:30 pm): The Prayer of Jesus/John 17
Thursday, October 24 (1:00 – 2:30 pm): Lectio Divina/The Storm at Sea
Please click to register online.
Please mark your calendars. Our first CWL General Gathering will take place on Sunday, September 14th at 11:30, after the 10:00 Mass. Come and catch up on the latest news and happenings. See you there!
Everyone is welcome to the next Parish Potluck on Saturday, September 14th at 5:30pm. Please drop off your favorite dish before Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to mingle with fellow parishioners over dinner. Let’s celebrate community!
If you are experiencing a loss, whether it be the loss of a loved one, or even a life change, you may be
experiencing signs of grief. If you would like some companionship and support on your grief journey,
please join us at our support group.
Encounter Jesus in a new way this summer! Beginning June 3rd, our parish will be hosting CCO (Catholic Christian Outreach)’s Discovery — a 4 - 5 week long faith study opportunity for young people ages 18-35 to meet other young Catholics and to discover new meaning in the pursuit of their Catholic faith! This study will equip each member with a deep understanding of the gospel and God’s personal love for each of us! It will also equip each member with tools to share their faith with others! Please consider signing up for this study, but do so quickly as there are limited spots available. We can’t wait to get started! Sign-up will be May 25th and 26th and June 1st and 2nd in the foyer of the church.
Our CWL has a box available in the main foyer to collect baby items for Birthright, starting May 18th, until June 9th. Monetary donations, labelled Birthright, can be placed in the collection basket (Donations of twenty dollars or more will receive a tax receipt). Birthright, begun in Toronto in 1968, and now with centres throughout Canada, the US and Africa, is a pregnancy support service, assisting women with unplanned pregnancies, throughout their pregnancies and afterwards. Essential services are provided, such as medical support, housing, counselling, and the provision of maternity and baby items. Thank you for your support.
The next St. Patrick CWL General Membership Gathering will be a Multicultural Potluck on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 5:30 pm. Please mark your calendar and bring a favorite cultural food to share with your CWL sisters, as we enjoy an evening of fine food, fellowship and fun! Bring a friend.
Registration has begun for the Sacrament of Confirmation for young people grade 7 and older. The Sacrament of Confirmation with be conferred Tuesday June 7th 2024 preceded by a 5 week Confirmation Preparation Program beginning Tuesday April 30th, 2024. Registration can be completed online and submitted by Friday April 26th, 2024.
The Chrism Mass, which the Bishop concelebrates with Priests from various regions of the diocese and during which he consecrates the sacred Chrism and blesses the other oils. Please pray for Bishop Dowd, our Priests, Deacons, Diocesan Order of Service and parish delegates as they travel from across the diocese.
ST. PATRICK'S CWL MEMBERS! Come join us on Sunday March 10th, 2024 in the parish hall for our CWL Encounter. Join in the installation of our new Executive facilitated by our Diocesan President, Lisa Henry. Refreshments provided. We are hoping that you are able to join us!
Socks Sudbury would like to thank you and all the very generous parishioners of St. Patrick's Church for their generous donations of socks and for assisting the unhoused individuals or vulnerable community members of Sudbury who need these. The grandtotal is: 878 pairs of socks!!