Celebrating our 70 years of history as a parish, we will be celebrating the people, our faith and our memories on May the 1oth 2023 with a Mass presided at by Bishop Dowd in the church followed by a Gala Dinner at the Caruso Club. Tickets will be on sale in the foyer of the church before and after Masses the weekend of February 18th and 19th. Tickets are also available in the parish office. Tickets are $50 each and are payable by cash or cheque payable to St. Patrick's Church. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to share together our loving, faithful presence in Sudbury's south end for over 70 years.
Shalom Place presents a Lenten Series – Three Evenings of Reflection on each of the Woman at the Well, the Man Born Blind and the Raising of Lazarus. Come and spend some time immersed in these stories of encounter with Jesus facilitated by Burnie Thorp. Sundays March 5, 12, 19 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM on ZOOM. Register by March 3 by email at [email protected], using the “contact us” link at www.shalomplace.ca or by phone at 705-254-4690. Suggested Offering: Your gift allows the ministry of Shalom Place to continue. Thank you for your generosity.
The world watched in shock the devastation left behind in the areas affected by the earthquake of Monday, February 6th, 2023, and the aftershocks that followed in Turkey and Syria. Find attached a communication published by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) regarding the launch of an Emergency Aid Campaign for the victims of the earthquake. Information for making a donation to assist in the humanitarian relief efforts is also provided.
Bishop Dowd, Bishop of the Diocese of Sault Ste Marie, writes a letter to the women of the diocese supporting the importance of the Catholic Women's League. He says, " I am writing this letter to offer my support to the Catholic Women's League, and to encourage you to be part of this excellent organization."
The parish is interested in knowing who in our parish is CPR certified. If you are CPR certified, please the parish so that we can update our lists. We are also looking to recertify anyone who needs there CPR recertification. You can contact us about recertification at [email protected] and we will contact you.