CONGRATULATIONS to ST. PATRICK'S CWL CENTENARIANS: Frances Mei, Irene Ovis and Folly Markle. These special Women of Faith were presented CWL GIFT MEMBERSHIPS FOR LIFE by President Angelika Beauchamp, on behalf of our CWL Ladies. May Our Lady of Good Counsel continue to intercede in all we do.
Our CWL ladies will continue to collect personal hygiene items until April 20th. Items collected will be donated to the INNER CITY HOME during the 103rd Diocesan Convention held in April. Items donated can be placed in the labelled box in the church's main entrance. Thank you for your generous support!
CWL ENCOUNTER LADIES, you are invited to attend this weekend's CWL ENCOUNTER taking place on Sunday, March 12th at 11:30am in the Parish Hall. The theme will be St. Patrick's Day. Come out and join your Sister's in Faith for fellowship, fun activities, and delicious treats. Information on the 103rd Diocesan Convention (Re: April 21st to 23rd in Sudbury) and April's Yard Sale will be shared. Looking forward to see you there!