St. Patrick’s CWL is collecting BABY ITEMS (re: diapers, clothing, wipes) for BIRTHRIGHT SUDBURY. Items can be dropped off in the church’s main entrance in the Birthright Baby Shower box. Items and monetary donations will be accepted during the CWL Social on Wednesday, June 14th. Thank you.
Thank you to all who signed up and added your portrait to this wonderful keepsake. Many thanks to our volunteers who made the appointments and assisted with the photographs: Olga Bradley, Tony Chezzi, Zenaida Odense, Angelica Beauchamp, Emma Lopatka, Renza Caldwell and Catherine Dillon. Stay tuned for the Directory’s arrival this fall!
Thank you to all who attended. Your enthusiasm and energy was present throughout the whole evening. A great big thank you to our 70th Anniversary Committee – Olga Bradley, Deacon Denis O’Donnell, Ruth-Ann Ingram, Zenaida Odense, Angelica Beauchamp, Emma Lopatka and Fr. Pat Woods – for sharing your time and talents. Thank you to: The Lougheed Foundation, Rosary Florists (table flowers), the Mansour family (table wine), Door Prizes – St. Patrick’s CWL, Apollo Restaurant, Ruth-Ann Ingram, Emma Lopatka, Dr. Joseph D’Alosio, and our anonymous contributors. Gratitude also goes to Michael Leblanc for our picture slideshow and Renee Debassige, secretary extraordinaire. St. Patrick’s Parish – 70 years strong moving into tomorrow – Belong, Believe, Become.
A special thank you to all who participated in making our CWL Yard Sale a huge success! Ladies, we are "Catholic and Living It!", you are invited to our next CWL ENCOUNTER taking place on Sunday, May 7th at 11:30 a.m. in the lower hall. Spiritual Theme: Mothers, Topics include: June's CWL Pinning Ceremony and Social, fall tea, Grade 8 Student Bursaries and more. Refreshments provided.