The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion will be administered to students in Grade 2 and higher. First Reconciliation is in the fall with the Sacremant administered during Advent. First Eucharist will take place shortly after Easter in the spring of 2024; First Reconciliation (Confession) must precede First Eucharist. Registration packages can be found at the back of the church or online.
We are a Eucharistic people who live with great gratitude to God for all our many blessings. We are asking you to share your blessings by donating non-perishable food items to Inner City Home. A food collection will take place the weekend of October 7th and 8th and October 14th and 15th. Your generousity is certainly appreciated.
Our Family Fun Day was a huge success. Thank you to all who came out to enjoy a burger or a dog and, of course, fellowship. A thank you to our many volunteers who shared their time and talent, to those who lent us various items and especially Erin Schinke and Olga Bradley who coordinated the event. Looking forward to next year!
The Sault Ste. Marie Diocesan Council and Development and Peace Youth Programs invite you to join us for an inter-generation retreat at the beautiful Anishinabe Spiritual Centre in Espanola, Ontario. We will be reflecting and sharing time together around themes of social justice, putting faith into action, ecospirituality, and walking in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. Anishinabe Spiritual Centre Anderson Lake in Espanola, ON Presenters: Mary O’Donnell, Sault Ste. Marie Diocesan Council Member Gabrielle Dupuis, National Council Member Camilo Coral, Development and Peace International Programs Officer Kiegan Irish, Development and Peace Animator for Eastern and Northern Ontario
Nearly 3,000 people have been killed by the powerful earthquake (magnitude 6.8) that struck Morocco overnight on Friday, September 8. More than 5,500 people have been injured. There has been widespread damage, with thousands of homes, 530 schools and many roads having been damaged or destroyed. Some 380,000 people have been directly affected and UNICEF estimates that about 100,000 children will need protection. GIVE NOW
Come and join us for food and fellowship in the parish hall after the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday September 9th, 2023. Bring your favourite dish whether it be salad, savoury or dessert and drop it off to a voluteer in the parish hall before Mass.