November is CWL Membership month. If you are interested in becoming a new member, or renewing your CWL membership, this can be done before and after each weekend Mass in November, in the narthex (back entrance of the church). The cost of a membership is $35. You can also register at the CWL information table at our Christmas Bazaar on Sunday, November 3rd, after Mass.
Saturday, November 16th and Sunday, November 17th is CWL Weekend. Members are encouraged to wear their scarves and pins to Mass to promote the CWL within our parish community.
The St. Patrick’s CWL is hosting a Christmas Bazaar on Sunday November 3rd, following Sunday Mass, until 1pm. There is no entrance fee.
The event will feature a Bake Table, Craft Table, Christmas table (only table top items-decor and ornaments), a Book Table, and a Children’s Table (with a craft to make and take).
Items for the bazaar tables will be collected on Saturday, November 2nd from 2 pm until just before Mass, and before Mass on Sunday. Please come and support our bazaar. Bring family and friends.
The St. Patrick’s Parish 2024 Giving Tree Christmas Campaign Program is a significant way for us to bringing comfort and hope to sisters and brothers who need, by Christ’s example. Registrations must be received by November 22nd, 2024
Please come to our CWL General Gathering, to take place this Sunday, October 6th, following the 10:00 Mass. It is one week earlier to accommodate Thanksgiving family gatherings.
Join in a presentation about the Holy Rosary. Come and hear about our ideas for the Christmas bazaar in early November, as discussed last month.
Bring a friend.